Rambling Thoughts on Hopelessness

Unexpressed pain leads to hopelessness. Writing, provides a means for me to express my pain, to sort the mess out and start letting it go. Our feelings need to be expressed, they are energy in motion. If we repress, ignore or deny our feelings they don’t go away. Instead they fester and come out deeper, darker and more fervently. Anger -> Rage; Pain -> Hopelessness; Fear -> Panic; Shame -> Worthlessness. As a society we tend to label feelings as bad, good, right or wrong. What if they are not any of this? What if they are simply moving energy…

As I share the breathings of my heart, it is with the desire to enlighten and provide a thought you can find hope in. My #HealingForward journey can take a wild, negative turn without warning. Maybe yours does too. I find hope in learning how others stay the course, or at times, course correct. Which seems to be my situation more often than not.

Over the past couple of months I have listened to two books on audio. The Universe Has Your Back, by Gabrielle Bernstein and Carry On, Warrior, by Glennon Doyle Melton. Both have provided me with guidance, laughter and a lovely dose of reality. Life is hard. “We can do hard things.” -Glennon Doyle Melton. “The catalyst for transformation = our darkest moments.” -Gabrielle Bernstein.

When in the midst of my darker moments I’m not thinking about transformation. I just want it to go away. Before it ‘goes away’, I usually need to get quite and look within. We can look outside, outside our own world of reality and dream; or we can look inside, within ourselves and awaken. Living in a dream state will not change our reality. Looking within, allows us to see what needs to change within so we may change our reality.

So if life is meant to be enjoyed, and I believe it is. Then living with rage, hopelessness, panic, worthlessness will block the joy and hope. This is not fun! 

Hope can come forth when we surrender. Surrender to the stillness. Surrender to the process. Hope can be the channel for beautiful, positive and welcome change of our reality. The change which allows us to enjoy life and have fun.

Thank you for reading, being a friend, sharing with your friends, and joining together to help someone else who has lost hope.

Here’s to a lighter, funner, (I know funner is not a correct word) sweeter and hope filled day. May our hope filled days becomes weeks, become months… and become a very special 2017. www.iam-priceless.org

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