I Am Priceless Treasure Hunt

Howdy Priceless!

Welcome to the Third Annual I Am Priceless, Inc. Treasure Hunt! This year's hunt is virtual so you can join us from just about anywhere. We are thrilled to share this adventure with you. Our theme is Kindness!


Where: Online with our private Facebook group, and Zoom
When: Beginning October 4th and culminating in a live drawing via Zoom, October 9th
Info: Monday, 10/4/20 and each day during the week, I Am Priceless will ask participants questions about Kindness. We will provide clues which will open dialouge and connection, give us all a chance to get to know one another, and put names in the drawing for gift cards valued at $50, $25 and $10. The more comments you make, the more chances you have to win! Then on Saturday 10/9/21, I Am Priceless will present the winners live on Zoom. Tell your friends, because it's kind to share!
How much: A small $10 registration fee, for a chance to win much more in prizes.
  • Fill out the form below.
  • Be sure to include your name, email address and phone number, and agree to Terms and Conditions.
  • Payment Button is for individual enrollment.
  • Sign up by October 8th to get in on the fun.
  • Payment is required at the time of registration.
  • You will receive your registration packet, including your I Am Priceless Banner by email.
  • More details will be emailed to you the week of the Treasure Hunt. You are in for a fun adventure!!!
Please enter your name.
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please enter a message.

Participants will be respectful to other participants, to I Am Priceless Sponsors and Volunteers.

You must accept the Terms and Conditions.

The Buy Now link was undependable. Please use this link paypal.me/iamalwayspriceless

to send your registration fee of $10.