I Judged a Book by It’s Cover….
2016 afforded me the privilege of completing my first 200 hours of yoga instructor training. I immediately began looking into training as a trauma informed instructor. After looking into several options, only to have the training cancel or their schedule conflict with mine, I came across Purple Dot Yoga Project and their specialized, trauma informed training for yoga instructors. I am super excited to have been accepted into the program and to be preparing for my next training.
As an avid reader, I have shelves of books on health, fitness, and a variety of alternative health options to the mainstream office visit, prescription, etc. life choices. When I began my search for information on trauma and yoga I came across The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD. I regret to say, the cover did not appeal to me, I didn’t understand it, so I chose not to purchase the book. What a shame!!!
Having received the reading list for my upcoming training; yes The Body Keeps the Score is the first book on the list, I made the purchase. WOW! Such eye opening information. Let this #healingforward journey continue. Stay tuned, I will provide a little review as I read through it and insight into overcoming trauma.
May we be at least as interested in what is going on inside our bodies as we are with what is happening outside of them. May we all learn to observe what is happening and what our bodies need. May we honor our body’s needs. May we learn how to be comfortable in our bodies and truly inhabit them.
To truly know ourselves, we need to feel and interpret our physical sensations, not ignore them. By doing so, we can navigate life safely.
Remember, go to IAP Resources and download your I Am Priceless badge, posters and banner. Take and send your I Am Priceless selfie to iamalwayspriceless@gmail.com. I will include your picture in our next video collage. Then join us on social media and share us with your friends. You really don’t know who all needs this information or how they are struggling.
p.s. if you have any discount offers for lodging in west LA, send them my way. Accommodations for this area are quite pricey. #letgoofthetrauma #overcomethepast #mypastdoesnotdefineme #selfloveandgrace #iampriceless #smartandsafe #livinginjoy #hopeandinnerpeace #judgedabookbyitscover #besselvanderkolkmd